We offer a number of ways you can direct your gift to St. Edmund’s Academy. Please contact the Office of Advancement to further discuss your philanthropy and the opportunities for you to make a difference.

List of 4 items.

  • Online Gifts

  • Gifts by Mail

    Checks made payable to St. Edmund’s Academy with the designation specified in the memo section can be sent to:

    St. Edmund’s Academy c/o Meghan Bollens
    5705 Darlington Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15217
  • Gifts by Wire or Stock Transfer

    Details needed for wire transfer
    PNC Non-profit Checking Account | St. Edmund’s Academy
    Routing Number: 043000096
    Account Number: 10-4913-7272
    Details needed for stock transfer
    Please have your broker credit electronic stock transfers to:
    DTC (Depository Trust Co.)#:  0374
    Account #:  7974-3929
    For further credit to:  St. Edmunds Academy
    St. Edmund’s Academy Tax ID #: 25-1030682
    Receiving Firm:
    Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
    One PPG Place, Suite 2200, Pittsburgh, PA  15222
    Tel:  412-562-7935 | Contact: Cindy W. Pastin
    Account Registration Type (Individual, Trust, Joint, Organization, Estate): Organization (Non-Profit)
    We sell stocks immediately upon receipt. Once you initiate the transfer, please contact Meghan Bollens (meghanbollens@stedmunds.net) and we will ensure our broker contacts us as soon as it hits our account.
  • Gifts by Phone

    Contact Meghan Bollens, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 412.521.1907 x.117 to make a credit card gift via phone.

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Meghan Bollens

    Dr. Meghan Bollens 

    Associate Head of School for Advancement
    (412) 521-1907 x117
  • Photo of Amy Larsen

    Mrs. Amy Larsen 

    Advancement Associate
    (412) 521-1907 x. 140
  • Photo of Sally Neidhard

    Ms. Sally Neidhard 

    Director, Community Engagement
    (412) 521-1907 x. 120
Guided by our Core Values and commitment to high standards, St. Edmund’s Academy provides a diverse, inclusive, and nurturing learning community where students are known, valued, and challenged to achieve their potential.